Liquid nitrogen

Flüssigstickstoff (englisch liquid nitrogen, LN oder LN2) ist Stickstoff in flüssigem Aggregatzustan der unter Normaldruck bei K (−1°C) siedet. It is a colorless clear liquid with a density of 0. If a drop of LNhits someone in the eye, will they go blind?

Englisch-Deutsch-Übersetzung für liquid nitrogen im Online-Wörterbuch dict. Liquid nitrogen is nitrogen cold enough to exist in liquid form. Here are liquid nitrogen facts and information about handling liquid nitrogen safely. Did you ever think you could make liquid nitrogen in your own garage?

This is an industrial process so how can an individual do this? A teenager has had her stomach removed after drinking a cocktail containing liquid nitrogen. So what exactly is liquid nitrogen, how is it use .

Discover the wide range of liquid nitrogen (N ) and nitrogen gas purities and concentrations available for purchase.