Ingersoll Rand’s rotary screw oilless air compressor line is guaranteed 1 oil-free. All of our oil-free air compressors are certified to Class certification by . Industries such as pharmaceuticals, food and beverages, electronics and textiles must exclude any risk of oil contamination.
In order to deliver oil-free air, you must use an oil-free compressor. Whether your applications are in food and beverage, life science, power generation, . Gardner Denver is a global leader in the design, manufacture, installation and service of innovative compressor technologies for a diverse range of industries. Air purity is critical for many applications where even the tiniest drop of oil can. CompAir offers a wide range of oil-free compressor technologies, each one built . Looking for an air compressor that is completely oil free?
Quincy Compressor has you covered with our zero class air compressor.
Oil-free compressors are necessary in applications such as food and beverage, automotive paint spraying, chemical and petrochemical processing, medical . Weiter zu Oil-free – In an oil-free compressor, the air is compressed entirely through the action of the screws, without the assistance of an oil seal.